Get your dance on!
Class Types
Choo la la – Burlesque Fusion
Everyone who joins Choo la la must first enrol in our signature Burlesque Fusion class.
Showgirl inspired choreography that will leave you feeling sexy, sassy and confident. Learn to strut, shake and shimmy in a fun, uplifting and supportive environment. Dance style is a fusion of Jazz, lyrical and commercial styles with a strong showgirl flair. A typical class includes showgirl warm ups, dance routine(s) and stretches. All levels welcome. No stripping involved.
...Do you want more?
Once you have enrolled in a Burlesque Fusion class, you can then choose additional classes at a discounted rate. Check out our class descriptions and timetable below
Optional Additional Classes -
SSS – Sexy, Stretch, Strip
This class is those wanting to get more of a taste of the traditional art of burlesque. You’ll learn teasing techniques including gloves peels and use props such as chairs and ostrich feather fans. There is a focus on posture and flexibility to help you develop your dancer’s technique. You’ll take your performance to the next level and discover how to unleash your alter ego by exploring playful, flirtatious, coy and enticing facial expressions. A typical class consists of Showgirl stretches, corner work and a routine that includes a peel and reveal. How much you’ll reveal is up to you. It might be a baby doll, it might be a bra or it might be pasties. You decide! All levels welcome.
R&R – Raunchy and Risqué
If you like a little 50 shades, you’ll love this class. Think leather and lace, maybe a whip or handcuff or two. A cheeky, provocative class that is a little bit naughty. In classes you’ll learn a raunchy style warm up and your routine will include partner work, floor sequences and will leave the audience wanting more. If you want to unleash your inner minx then this class is for you. All levels welcome, no stripping involved maybe just a little bit of spanking!
LLL – la la Lyrical
In this challenging class you’ll explore contemporary and lyrical dance techniques. You will delve into the art of storytelling through movement and music. A typical class begins with stretches, and then corner work that includes jumps, turns, leaps and more, with a strong focus on posture and technique. Your routine will be passionate, emotive and generally include some floor work. A class for those wishing to take dance to the next level.
Twerk Train
A sweaty, bumping and banging Hip hop inspired class that uses sexy showgirl style principles fused with strong, sharp body popping moves. Your class will consist of hip-hop style warm ups where you’ll learn to body roll, pop and lock. You’ll finish each week by unleashing your inner QUEEN learning a routine to the top pop and hip hop tunes around. There is no stripping involved only a lot and we mean a lot of Twerking! Are you ready to get peachy?
Tap & Slap
Are you an avid tapper or is it something you have always wanted to do? Our tap class caters for all levels, our instructors will teach you the foundation movements and rhythms through fun tap slapping warm ups. You’ll then be split into groups, 1 – Tap Virgins 2 – Tantalising Tappers 3 – Tip Top Tappers. Each group will work on level appropriate choreography and come together for a routine full of mind-blowing beats, sass and booty slapping!